Pro mě jak Bělorusku ta restauraci znamená asi víc než pro Brňaci, když dostanes chut na domácí ruské jídlo a nemáš moc čas vařit tak jdu k vám. vždycky se strašně najím až se nemůžu hýbat :D mají dobrý velký výběr jídla, trosku trvá čekací doba i když sedíš v prázdné restauraci ale to jenom potvrzuje ze jídlo se připravuje pečlivě a speciálně pro vás. Takovéj fakt rusky interiér, který trosku potěší a dostaneš nostalgii. Můžeš si tam i zakoupit kvas nebo rusky bonbóny, sušenou rybu a kaviár. Píšu a dostala jsem chuť na borsh s chlebickami s kaviarem, tak pa, už vím kde si dam dneska oběd :D
I love this place. I have beem there few times and I always left happy. The food is delicious. I recommend the borsch soup. The waiting staff are nice and with good level of English and the prices are very good.
I've never been to Russia, so I cannot compare the authenticity of the food. That being said, everything I had was excellent! Salmon soup with spinach, chicken-filled potato cake with cream on the side and a glass of kvas, a typical low-alcohol beverage made from rye. Leaving the restaurant, I felt very good - the meals agreed with me completely :-)... not at all that common in Czech restaurants.
The staff was very pleasant and the food was served quickly. I noted that people from the local Russian community visited the place; which would attest to its authenticity.
Tha radio played Russian pop music... it all felt very Russian; which I appreciate as a part of the experience.
Note: the food is not at all on the expensive side.
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